The organizing committee provides the opportunity to present abstracts with a variety of different topics to expand knowledge within the field of Pediatrics.
- Abstract rule
1. Authors presenting abstracts must be registered participants for the congress.
2. The submitter accepts responsibility for the accuracy and scientific content of the submitted abstract.
3. The submitter accepts to be the contact person for all correspondence about the abstract and to inform co-authors about its status.
- Abstract format:
1. Abstracts can only be submitted in English.
2. Abstract title: maximum length of 150 characters (including spaces).
3. Abstracts should be structured in the following sections :
- Background/Aims
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
4. Abstract body: Maximum length of 2500 characters (including spaces).
5. Authors list: state for all authors: name, institution and country. Please omit titles and degrees.
6. Abbreviations may be used if standard or if spelled out and defined at the first use.
7. Abstracts may not include tables, graphics and pictures.
8. No references are allowed.
9. Incomplete applications will not be considered nor accepted by the committee.
Please note that the upload tool will only accept the maximum amount of characters. If your text contains more, it won't show anything above the allowed characters.
- Topics:
Topic 1: General pediatrics
Topic 2: Neonatology – pediatric intensive/emergency care
Topic 3: Infectiology – pneumology - immunology
Topic 4: Gastroenterology – nutrition
Topic 5: Oncology – hematology
Topic 6: Neurology – genetics - neuroorthopedics
Topic 7: Cardiology
Topic 8: Nephrology
Topic 9: Endocrinology
Topic 10: Other
- Final sumission deadline: 15 February 2025
- Results abstracts: 1 March 2025
This year, Belgian PhD students working on a research project related to pediatrics will have the opportunity to present the results of their PhD in a session "My thesis in 300 seconds".
Ten research projects will be selected and presented on Friday afternoon according to the modalities adapted from this famous competition: each pHD Student will present in 300 seconds a clear, concise and convincing presentation (in English) on his/her thesis with one single slide support.
The best presentation will be rewarded after deliberation by a jury composed of members from different Belgian universities.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 15 February 2025.